Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


Aniphia reached the guard just as he released the arrow he'd leveled at Keu'deh, leaping onto his back and shouting right into his ear, to the guard's great surprise.

/"STOP SHOOTING HIM!"\ The guard struggled to keep his feet under her momentum, wincing as she continued shouting, but at least not at him. "Keu'deh! Change back so they stop!"

He hadn't made a sound with the impact of the last arrow, he'd just dropped to the ground, his breathing a blaze of agony. He was dimly aware of Ty'lani leaning towards him, though he was sure she hadn't said anything. He focused on his breathing, trying to quiet the pain searing through him, Aniphia's demand ringing dully in his ears. He heard someone voice confusion, or maybe surprise, but was cut off with a dull thud. He didn't open his eyes, Ty'lani gasping his name barely making it into his notice. The pain was fading and nothing seemed to matter past that... just less pain...