Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


Keu'deh took a deep breath, he could breathe without pain it seemed. The rest of his pain seemed to have faded along with the fire in his side and he welcomed the soft comfort it brought, broken only by a sudden pounding headache. He pushed himself off the ground, groaning softly as he rubbed his forehead. He opened his eyes slightly and jerked upright in a sudden panic, his whispered denial falling unheard from him. His pain was gone because the arrows were gone. Everything was gone, he was surrounded with total nothingness. His panic shifted swiftly to disgruntled acceptance, his ears flattening back on his head.

"Well." His voice was depressingly hollow in the void space surrounding him. "That's just... great..."

"You should have more faith in your friends..." The voice that cut the nothing around him was pure and light, and it's familiar sound flooded him with joy.

"All the faith in the world won't change where that last arrow hit me..." He pushed himself to his feet as he turned towards the voice, unable to stop the grin the spread across his face. "But at least I'm not dead yet."