Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


Yido lurched away from his sister, pushing Keu'deh slightly to avoid being hit with the staff she swung at his head.

"WHAT THE HELL,WOMAN?!" His glare was being returned full force and she didn't even flinch at his angry shout. Keu'deh's ears dropped and he lifted one hand trying to get the sibling's attention.

"Hey... you're going-" Aniphia cut him off with her own yelling.

"I COULD ASK THE SAME!" The pair squared off, pointing accusingly at each other, mouths open, ready to scream at each other when Iya's piercing shriek cut the air around them. Yido and Aniphia froze, moving only enough to see Keu'deh who made a soft noise at the baby's cry and turned away from them. He cast a dark glare over his shoulder at the pair, an angry cloud radiating from him, and and muttered something unkind in Drow. Yido shied away from him while Aniphia pulled her hands in defensively as he stalked from the room, muttering in Drow as he headed for Iya's room. The High Elves stared after him quietly.

"I remember now why Drow are feared..." Yido ran his hand down his tunic front, talking barely loud enough for Aniphia to hear him over Iya's cry. "Angry Drow are scary..." Aniphia nodded absently.
