"...yido?" Keu'deh's voice was timid and soft, whispering his partner's name to no response. Aniphia stood behind them quietly, observing her brother's motionless form.
"It's okay, pet..." She picked an endearing term at random, trying to comfort Keu'deh. "He's not dead, you stopped her in time." Keu'deh didn't respond, touching Yido's face in distress, his ears low.
"You did good." Aniphia crouched behind him, her simple praise stilling Keu'deh's hand making him glance over his shoulder at her. "I just hope he wakes up before the spell on you wears off." Keu'deh's ears flipped up curiously and she couldn't resist reaching out and poking one.
"Why?" Aniphia grinned and sat back on her heels.
"Because you are just too cute!" She squealed a giggle and rubbed the top of his head, tousling his hair with her fingers.
"Stop that!" He grabbed her fingers and tried futilely to pull them from his head. "I am not!" His plaintive cry only made her laugh harder, but her actions had calmed him down a bit.