Aniphia lay her hand on the succubus spine and all but growled a spell, her ears back and low, glaring at her target as the spell took effect. A low noise sounded as a wave of sonic energy left Aniphia's hand and passed into the succubus. Or more specifically the succubus' lungs, wreaking havoc on the delicate tissues. She gasped and Keu'deh dropped from her hands, shouting in surprise as he fell. He grunted angrily when he hit the ground, but scrambled to his feet and dashed past the two women, crying out Yido's name. Aniphia stood still as the succubus clutched her chest and choked blood into her hand, fighting for air her collapsed and bleeding lungs couldn't provide. The succubus made a final pained noise in her throat and started to fall forward, blood flowing freely from her mouth, and Aniphia coldly turned away to tend to Keu'deh and Yido, the former's cries getting more panicked with the later's lack of response.