Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


Yido and Aniphia had traded places at some point in the night, and Keu'deh was asleep on Aniphia's hip. She had fallen into her trance while stroking his hair, her hand still on his head when his ears flicked up, alerted by something. He couldn't place it right off, but it woke him, a noise that was out of place in the calm night. Aniphia slept through it, she must not be able to hear it. Keu'deh pushed himself into a seated position his ears high and his whole body focused on listening. It sounded like Yido, and under some sort of duress. Keu'deh unfastened his cloak and let it drop over Aniphia's legs, sliding silently into the darkness towards Yido's voice.