Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


Yido moved around the counter and advanced on Keu'deh, his face open and filled with concern.

"Hey, stop that..." He reached out and took hold of Keu'deh's arms, making a point of touching his exposed skin. "Do you think I care what you are? Do you think Aniphia cares? We are your friends, regardless of your race." He turned Keu'deh to face him, keeping one hand on his skin, and lifting his face to make eye contact. His features were soft, and a teasing note crept into his voice.

"Come on now, you once scolded me for judging you by your skin. It would be ironic if I had to scold you for the same thing. I want you to be confident, and take a chance-"

Whatever he had been ready to say after that was cut short when Keu'deh reached up and yanked him close, one hand fisted in his tunic, the other pulling his head down. Yido's ears flipped as high as they could go as Keu'deh pressed against him and his faced burned with his sudden kiss. With wide, startled eyes he stared at the drow, eyes closed and face serene, a soft color tinting his cheeks. The only sound that escaped Yido was a wordless note of surprise, and he froze, unsure of what to do.