'I can't believe she left him alone!' Yido rushed down the street, his imagination spurring him onward with the images that it produced. Aniphia had admitted to leaving Keu'deh in Meia's house after Yido had complemented her clothes. 'And she says I don't think!' He frowned, it's not like he would have drug him out into the middle of town, but he wouldn't have just left him alone, especially after the guard just earlier. His own reaction to first seeing Keu'deh flickered through his mind, making his frown deepen. Surface dwellers had nothing but distrust and hatred for Underdark dwellers, and he had been just as bad. Only Aniphia managed to hope for the best in everything, even after being proved wrong a few times. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, the house Meia had pointed out to him was near.
'I hope he's okay...' He burst through the door with that final thought, still moving at a jog.
"Keu'deh!?" He glanced around, "Where-" His gaze landed on a pile of shredded cloth, tossed carelessly amid chunks of earthy brown leather and Keu'deh's boots. His package and staff dropped from numb fingers as he skidded to a stop in front of the wrecked clothing.
"no..." His face was blank with shock, and his body felt heavy and leaden. "it..." The door creaked behind him, accompanied by a low growl. Fingers of icy fear grabbed him as he spun around, loosing his footing and falling backward as the timber wolf lunged toward him.