Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


Yido's ears flipped up and he frowned slightly addressing the back of the drow's head.

"Okay yeah, I didn't really think..." His tone was a little embarrassed, and slightly annoyed." I guess I thought you'd taken advantage of Aniphia..." Aniphia stared at him in shock.

"What? Why?" The drow shouted something that was muffled by Aniphia's bosom while Yido lifted his hand and gave Aniphia an exasperated look.

"Dark elf... In my sister's house... Getting dressed..." Aniphia blinked while he ticked points off on his hand.

"Oh......" She thought carefully, "Yeah, I can see that..." The dark elf blushed furiously, and began speaking very fast, though unfortunately he'd switched back to his native tongue. The two high elves stared at him, a sly grin creeping onto Aniphia's face.

"I don't think he thinks I'm pretty..." She grinned over his head at Yido who grinned back at her when the drow turned his shocked stare to her, questioning her in a slightly panicked tone.

"Heh, sounds like it..." The drow began to say something when he finally realized he wasn't speaking dwarven. He switched over and stuttered as he tried to explain.

"N-no.. Wait..."