"Hey, look..." Yido lifted one hand to scrub his hair. "I'm sorry... um..." Aniphia was starting to glare at him, the dark elf shook in her arms with his every word. The damn language barrier between them was going to get him in more trouble from her than Yido could handle if he couldn't find a way to calm the drow down. He thought for a second before attempting a word in a heavy language, to no response. He tried again, using a harsher language, with the same results.
"Um... hmmm..." Simple Common was out, as well as Orcish and Yido thought a moment as to what languages the dark elf might have come across. He tapped his finger against his mouth and ventured the word again, in Dwarven that time. The drow's ears lifted and he turned his head to look at Yido for a long moment before repeating the word in a sightly different dialect. Three cheers for dwarven stubbornness, as five thousand years of cultural separation and hill dwarves and gray dwarves still spoke virtually the same language. And to ice the cake, Aniphia could speak Dwarven as well. She smiled at the drow, she hadn't actually expected him to respond, even if he had understood Yido.