Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves


It was late the next morning when the lovers decided to join Aniphia, who was waiting patiently a small distance from the spring to give them their privacy. Keu'deh dropped his cloak when they neared her, grabbing her into a tight hug, making her laugh.

"Well! Good morning, Sunshine!" He burrowed his face into her collar, pondering the new pet name she'd given him.

"Good morning." He added a word in Drow, one of the few words in his native tongue that sounded gentle. She wrapped her arms around him and smiled into his hair.

"Have fun last night?" He laughed lightly, her playful tone catching Yido's attention.

"Yes, thank you." Yido looked over his shoulder as he fastened his cloak around his shoulders.

Oh, I see..." He grinned at them, a mock hurt tone in his voice. "It was a setup, then." Aniphia smiled at him, loosening her hold on Keu'deh so that he could turn towards Yido.

"Well, yeah." She looped her arm over Keu'deh's shoulders giving her brother a look that suggested disbelief in the possibility he'd not figured that out the day before. Keu'deh matched her tone, giving his lover an impish grin.

"Yep." Yido huffed and put his hands on his hips, his attempt as feigning offense ruined by the smile crossing his face.

"In that case, I'll have you know that I'm the jealous type." Aniphia rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh, you big baby." She laughed and released Keu'deh, moving to Yido and hugging him before Keu'deh could move. "Happy now?" Yido laughed and hugged his sister to him.

"Yes, much better."

"Hey!" Keu'deh regarded the siblings with mock indignation, unable to stop the smile that spread across his face.