Lost and Found

Elfy goodness with a touch of adventure...

by Amanda Reeves



"Don't tell me I'm too young!" Keu'deh pulled away from Yido, his ears back, his voice full of hurt, Yido caught his wrist before he could go far and he put up a half-hearted struggle to free himself from the taller elf's grasp. "I know what i want, and-"

"Keu'deh! Stop!" Yido pulled him closer to him, his face a mask of worry and frustration. "That's not... I..." Keu'deh tried to pull away once more, making Yido resort to spinning him around and pinning the smaller drow to him, wrapping his arms around him securely. He bowed his head low, shame coloring his low whisper.

"i don't want to hurt you..." Keu'deh froze at his words, his mind racing. It was so different from the way his past partners had behaved. Some of them had wanted to hurt him, most didn't care if they did or not. Yido was holding him almost desperately, as if he was afraid Keu'deh would bolt if he released him, his face still buried in Keu'deh's hair. He relaxed his hold slightly when Keu'deh moved to turn towards him, sliding one hand up to Yido's hair, his features soft.

"you won't." His whisper was faint, even if it did hurt, he could forgive anything from this man.