"Yido!" Aniphia's shout was far more commanding with the door closed behind her, but just as ignored by Yido as he chased the dark elf across the room.
"Fiend!" He snarled as the drow lept onto a table, vaulted against the wall, and pulled himself into the rafters to avoid getting cornered. No matter, he'd just climb up after---
"Stop it!" Aniphia's demand was emphasized by the frying pan she lobbed into the back of Yido's head, laying him out over the table. Yido righted himself and spun angrily towards his sister.
"Aniphia!" She ignored his shout, flattening her ears back and putting her hands on her hips.
"He's lost far to much blood for you to chase him around!" Yido opened his mouth to retort when her words processed in his mind, leaving him gape-mouthed for a moment.
"......What?" He couldn't help sounding a little slow and she rolled her eyes at him in exasperation.
"He's hurt you idiot!" She refrained from pointing out there was very little OTHER reason for him being in her house. He missed the look on her face though, as he'd turned to look around the rafters for the drow, who was curled into himself on the far side of the room, clutching his side and not even glancing towards the two high elves.
"......Oh..." Yido's ears dropped at what was obviously a great deal of pain the drow was suffering...